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Dog Behavior Problems: Chase Behaviors

My dog chases animals, joggers, bicyclists, skateboarders - anything that moves. I am worried he will get hurt. Why does he do this?

To some degree, most dogs enjoy chasing things that move. Dogs are a predatory species, which means that they possess some genetic tendency to pursue prey. The willingness to pursue moving targets has been purposely bred into many dog breeds. For example, herding dogs chase livestock, terriers chase rodents, and guard dogs chase intruders.

Dogs are naturally rewarded when their behavior “causes” a target to move away. They don’t realize that the car or jogger was going to move away anyway; from the dog’s perspective, their chase created the movement. Over time, with repeated encounters, this self-rewarding behavior typically gets stronger, especially because it is reinforced in a variable manner. That is, some of the things they chase move slowly while others move quickly. An observant dog thus learns to bark and chase with a greater and greater intensity to ensure that every pursued target moves as quickly as possible.

"Over time, with repeated encounters, this self-rewarding behavior typically gets stronger."

Sometimes, dogs chase people, particularly children, who are running around in the house or yard. The behavior sometimes resembles herding, though it does not actually serve any organized purpose. Still, dogs are rewarded, particularly when the recipient runs faster, shouts, or wiggles their legs wildly to shoo the dog away.

A dog’s personality can affect the intensity of the behavior. A fearful dog that is frightened by a person or moving vehicle will be highly motivated to make sure the scary stimulus does not linger. The intensity of the behavior may increase quickly. Scolding a fearful dog to stop this behavior can increase the level of fear and make the behavior worse.

A low frustration tolerance can also support a high level of chasing, as these dogs are very eager to reach their goal. Even if the dog is motivated to engage with the target appropriately - perhaps to meet the person or dog, or to hop into the car - he may become frustrated when his effort to get closer causes the target to retreat instead. He will learn to run forward with greater and greater speed, only to become even more frustrated as the target always remains ahead of him.

Trying to stop a highly motivated, easily frustrated dog by quickly pulling him away or by administering a correction (e.g., snapping the leash) can make the behavior worse. Some aroused dogs react to being corrected by exhibiting aggression towards the person who is trying to block them. 

What can I do to stop my dog from chasing things?

If your dog is just beginning to chase moving things, do not delay implementing an intervention. The behavior will not go away on its own, and the best time to help your dog is before he has had multiple opportunities to experience the innate reward of the chase. 

It is never helpful to simply try to stop an undesirable behavior without first considering the dog’s underlying motivation. In many cases, the best solution is to replace the unwanted behavior with a more suitable and incompatible alternative. For instance, if you can ask your dog to sit for great treats before he even starts the pursuit, he can learn to automatically offer a “sit” upon seeing one of his triggers for chasing. This is known as response substitution.

  • It may also be possible to find a more appropriate outlet for a dog that is highly motivated to chase things. Structured sports such as flyball, lure coursing, or herding may satisfy your dog’s needs. Also, because success in dog sports requires some thoughtfulness and precision, dogs that are easily frustrated or impulsive are taught to be patient. 
  • If your dog chases things because he is fearful or frustrated, then you will need to work on relaxation techniques such as “sit, stay”. 
  • Your dog may need systematic desensitization and counterconditioning, a process in which the trigger is controlled and presented at a very low intensity (far away, moving slowly) so that your dog can remain calm. Once your dog can relax in the presence of the trigger, he may no longer be motivated to chase. 
  • For mild levels of fear and frustration, you may be able to work with a trainer that understands how to use positive reinforcement to encourage calm behavior. 
  • For dogs with high levels of fear or frustration, it is best to work with a veterinary behaviorist who can do a full assessment and, if needed, prescribe medication to help your dog relax. 

How do I get started?

Training should begin when your dog is calm and there are no distractions. An important skill is “sit, stay”. There are many variations, but here are two that are very useful. 

Option one: This “sit, stay” is useful for dogs that are rewarded by the chase but are not very fearful or frustrated. 

  • Practice asking your dog to sit and focus on you for a few seconds, and reward. Purposely reward your dog when he makes eye contact so that his focus is on you. Build up slowly and randomly until your dog can sit and stay while you deliver treats every 1–30 seconds. Once your dog is successful, begin practicing on quiet walks and in a variety of locations. Add distractions that do not stimulate a chase. 
  • Finally, you are ready to begin response substitution - asking for a “sit, stay” in the presence of a trigger for the chase. Always carry some medium-value treats on walks so that you can randomly practice the “sit, stay” when all is calm. Also, have very high-value treats to use when a trigger is present. When you notice a trigger such as a bicycle, immediately show your dog a very valuable treat and ask him to sit. Reward generously as the trigger passes by and continue to reward for at least another minute as your dog sits calmly. Otherwise, your dog may learn to grab a treat and spring up for a chase.

Option two: This “sit, stay, relax” is useful for dogs that are highly aroused or fearful and will benefit from systematic desensitization and counterconditioning. 

  • To teach a relaxed posture, begin to reward your dog for loosening up while he is sitting in front of you. Perhaps a lighter gaze, a lowered head, or a slight slouch. Use a cue such as “relax” so your dog knows there is no need to be vigilant. 
  • When your dog can relax consistently, begin to practice in different locations and add distractions. 
  • Next, you will use desensitization and counterconditioning together to reduce your dog’s arousal. Arrange sessions in which a trigger for the chase, such as a bicycle, is moving very slowly and is far enough away that your dog can “sit, stay, relax” for high-value treats. After a few repetitions, take a break and try again later or another day. When your dog consistently remains relaxed at that distance, move closer to the bicycle and, again, arrange a few sessions. Over time, you will be able to get as close to the bicycle as you would be on a walk.

Are there other skills to keep my dog from chasing?

It is often helpful to be able to continue walking, even in the face of a runner or bicycle. Coming to a full stop is not always practical. You can teach your dog to walk next to you when asked. The behavior, often called “heel” or “with me”, involves training your dog to walk very close by your side. You may choose whichever side is most comfortable for you. 

If your dog is very highly aroused, then once you have taught him to walk with you in a quiet environment, you can apply the skill in a desensitization and counterconditioning session as you did with the “sit, stay, relax”. That is, you make sure that the trigger is far enough away that your dog can easily follow your guidance. 

Training steps for "walk with me": 

  1. While you are walking in a quiet area, hold a treat in your hand and use it to steer your dog into a comfortable position at your side. Feed a few treats as you walk a few steps, then release with “all done” and put the treats away. Repeat several times. Then, begin to hold the treats in view but out of reach of your dog’s mouth. Again, reward after a few steps. 
  2. Now, try to walk about 15 steps with your dog at your side as you feed intermittently. Your dog is learning that being by your side can pay off. At this point, you should be able to count on your dog hurrying back to your side as soon as he notices you have a treat in your hand. 
  3. You are now ready to introduce the verbal cue “with me”. Timing is important-try to observe your dog carefully as you begin to walk forward. Your dog may be walking ahead of you or may be sniffing. While he is distracted, remove a very smelly, tasty treat from your pocket. Your dog will pick up the odor. The moment you notice your dog hurrying toward you, say “with me” and treat him as soon as he gets to your side. 
  4. After you have practiced this skill with treat in hand, you may test your dog’s learning. While you are walking with your dog on a loose lead, say “walk with me” – your dog should hurry back. Immediately say “good dog” and quickly pull the treat out of your pocket. Continue to walk along, rewarding every 5–20 steps.

I haven’t finished training yet. What should I do if my dog wants to chase something?

Until you have done some training, you and your dog may not be ready to face a trigger for a chase. It is best to avoid triggers, but if that is not possible, you may be able to turn around and walk in the opposite direction. Using a cue such as “let’s go” can be helpful. The goal of this exercise is to teach the dog to turn 180 degrees and go in the opposite direction.

  1. As always, introduce the exercise at home in a quiet area. Have a small container or bag with treats, in hand or in a convenient pocket, that you can jiggle to get your dog’s attention. 
  2. Begin walking forward with your dog at your side, on a loose leash. After walking about 10 steps, shake the treat container. 
  3. When your dog turns to you for a treat, keep the treats just out of reach as you lure him to turn with you 180 degrees. Treat him, then walk a few more steps, and repeat. 
  4. After a few sessions, when your dog turns easily, you may introduce the cue. Just as you are about to turn, announce “let’s go”, make the turn, then treat.

Do I need any special equipment for this training?

It is important that you feel safe when walking your dog. The leash is not meant for pulling your dog, but for an emergency in which you need to move away quickly. A harness can be helpful, as your dog will not injure his neck if he pulls you or vice versa. A flat collar can be safe if it is snug enough that your dog cannot escape. Head halters such as the Gentle Leader® offer a little more control as they allow you to steer your dog’s neck with minimal strength required. However, it is very important that you do not attempt to jerk the leash when your dog is wearing a head halter (or any neck collar). Any dog can suffer a neck injury if he either lunges forward or is snapped back while wearing a head halter or neck collar. 

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