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Owning a Rabbit

Contrary to popular belief, rabbits are lagomorphs, not rodents. There are many rabbit breeds, of varied sizes and coat colors. The common breeds kept as pets are the English Angora, English Lop, Chinchilla, Dutch, Flemish Giant, Himalayan, Lionhead, Netherland Dwarf, New Zealand, Rex, Polish, Satin, and Mini Lop. If properly handled and socialized, they make curious, sociable, pleasant, docile, quiet, and gentle pets.

Rabbits rarely bite, but they can scratch with their sharp claws and powerful hind legs if improperly handled. They do not have to be walked and because they commonly urinate and defecate in the same spot, they learn to use a litter box quite easily. Their average life span is 10-12 years, but with proper care and good nutrition, they can reach 14 years. Male rabbits reach breeding age at 4-6 months of age.

"Their average life span is 10-12 years, but with proper care and good nutrition, 
they can reach 14 years."

Males are called bucks, females are called does, and offspring are known as kittens. Rabbits are known for their breeding abilities. Pregnancy lasts about 30 days, and the average litter size is 4-10. Early spaying (at 5-6 months of age) is recommended to decrease the chances of fatal uterine cancer in females. Neutering is recommended at the same age in males to decrease the likelihood that they will spray or mark territory. If the house has both young male and female rabbits present, males can be neutered as early as 4 months to prevent the risk of the male getting the female pregnant.

Proper handling of rabbits is important. Rabbits have a lightweight skeleton compared to most other animals and have powerful back legs that allow them to kick with surprising strength. If held improperly, a rabbit can kick hard and dislocate or break its back, resulting in severe, chronic disabilities. If the rabbit is paralyzed, euthanasia may be recommended. 

When carrying your pet, always support its entire body and hind end. Never pick up your rabbit by its ears and always hold it close to your body. Have your veterinarian show you the proper way to restrain and carry your rabbit.

Interesting Rabbit Facts

  • Rabbits have large ears, which give them an excellent sense of hearing. The ears also help rabbits to regulate their body temperature. The ears have a large surface area, containing veins near the skin surface; as blood flows through these veins, heat is released through the skin.
  • Rabbits’ digestive tract is adapted for digesting the large amount of fiber that is required in their diets. Adult rabbit feed should be 100% timothy hay-based pellets. No grains, seeds, or nuts.
  • Rabbits are hindgut fermenters, which means that they have a population of specific microbes (bacteria and yeast) that ferment the high-fiber hay and other vegetation they ingest before the nutrients are absorbed in the lower intestines and used by the body.
  • Rabbit pass many dry, round fecal pellets daily. They also pass a special type of feces called cecotropes at night or in the early hours of the morning. Cecotropes are softer, stickier, and darker than normal fecal pellets, and they contain nutrients produced by bacterial fermentation (specifically certain proteins and vitamins B and K). Rabbits eat cecotropes to absorb these nutrients.
  • Compared to other pets, rabbits have a very light skeleton in relation to their body mass. This predisposes their bones to fracturing more easily; carrying a rabbit improperly or dropping it can lead to bone fractures.
  • Rabbits are lagomorphs that, by definition, have two pairs of upper incisor teeth (the second pair is hidden behind the first) and one pair of lower incisors. The hidden pair of upper incisors are very small and are called peg teeth. Rodents have only one pair of upper and one pair of lower incisors.
  • Rabbits’ teeth grow throughout their lives. Rabbits have incisor, premolar, and molar teeth. Collectively, the premolar and molar teeth are called “cheek teeth”. Their teeth may need periodic trimming by your veterinarian, but only if problems arise. Providing your rabbit with unlimited amounts of hay and blocks of wood to chew helps prevent overgrown teeth.
  • Rabbits rarely make noise but will occasionally make a growl or warning grunt. Rarely, if frightened or hurt, a rabbit will make a high-pitched scream. Rabbits also thump their back feet as a warning signal.
  • If given the wrong type of oral antibiotic, rabbits can develop a severe intestinal bacterial imbalance called “fatal dysbiosis”. Never give your rabbit any of the following oral antibiotics: clindamycin, lincomycin, ampicillin, amoxicillin, amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, cephalosporins, penicillin, or erythromycin.

Selecting Your Pet

Rabbits are often adopted at shelters, purchased at pet stores, or purchased through breeders. When selecting a pet rabbit, pay attention to the following things to ensure you select a healthy one:

  • Healthy rabbits are curious and inquisitive and should not be thin.
  • Their stools should be formed, dry, round pellets and not soft or stuck to their hind ends.
  • Their skin and haircoat should be free of parasites, such as fleas and ear mites (which cause the production of a crusty, thick, flaky accumulation in the ears and often tenderness of the ears).
  • The rabbit’s eyes and nose should be clear of any discharge that might indicate a respiratory infection.
  • The rabbit’s incisors (front teeth) should not be broken or overgrown, and the gums should not be discolored (they should be light pink) or have any obvious sores.
  • Ask whether the rabbit has a microchip or has been spayed or neutered.
  • Ask the shelter or seller if they offer any guarantee of health.

Veterinary Care

Your rabbit should be examined by a veterinarian within 48 hours of adoption or purchase. This examination is often required by the shelter or seller, or any guarantee may be voided. Make sure the veterinarian has experience treating rabbits. Your veterinarian will examine the rabbit, record its weight, and discuss housing, proper diet, and appropriate toys for the rabbit. At this time, a fecal sample should also be examined for parasites.

"Your rabbit should be examined by a veterinarian within 48 hours of adoption or purchase."

Rabbits require physical examinations at least once a year and fecal tests to check for intestinal parasites. Unlike dogs and cats, rabbits generally do not require vaccinations. However, your veterinarian may recommend vaccinations for rabbits that live in areas with serious, endemic, often life-threatening conditions like rabbit hemorrhagic disease (RHD) or myxomatosis virus. Consult your veterinarian to see if this applies to your geographic location.

Who should have a pet rabbit?

Rabbits generally make good pets for families with elementary school-age or older children. Since rabbits can break their backs easily if they are mishandled or when they are startled and kick, they are not a good choice for families with younger children. Rabbits should never be left unsupervised with small children.

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